Our Projects

Our tailored programs are designed to foster and uplift Asian American youth, equipping them with opportunities, skills, and the support needed to carve out a brighter tomorrow. Delve into the array of impactful projects showcased below, each committed to creating a positive impact on the generations to come.

Empowering Chinese youth for a brighter tomorrow.

Our initiatives are carefully crafted to nurture and empower Asian American youth, providing them with opportunities, skills, and support to shape a better future. Explore all our impactful projects below, dedicated to making a difference in the lives of the next generation.

Asia American Youth Program

Inspiring Asian American youth through AAYP: fostering dialogue, resilience, and leadership. The 2019 Youth Ambassadors Scholarship encourages addressing global issues creatively, transforming challenges into impactful solutions.

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Summer Career Exploration

Empowering Asian American youth through real-world career exploration with mentorship in our Summer Career Exploration Program, supported by government officials, doctors, businesses, and educators.

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Future Asian American Leadership Scholarship

Apply for the 2024 Future Asian American Leadership Scholarship and receive financial support for your higher education.

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Liang Shan Project

Supporting AIDS/HIV orphans in China’s Liangshan region with essential resources, education, mentorship, and holistic care, fostering their survival, growth, and integration into society with unwavering compassion.

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Library Program

Promoting literacy in underserved areas: China AIDs Fund established 8 libraries, fostering education and providing resources for children in Henan, Anhui, Yunnan, Sichuan, and Shanxi provinces.

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Henan Children Center

Enabling HIV-affected children in Henan: enhancing living conditions, education, and opportunities through international connections, resources, and educational support programs.

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Summer Trip Image